In Medellin, most kids never have the opportunity to play music, let alone to have access to an instrument or music classes. Although many of them are very talented, most of them are consumed with how to survive on a daily basis, and rarely have time to play or engage in an active learning mindset.
Through its projects, Movimiento Manglar tries to change that by creating spaces where kids can learn, create, and play music together, making them more sociable and more likely to continue on a constructive path in their lives.
We'll keep you updated on our projects through our occasional newsletter - NO SPAM!
Become a Manglar Amig@!
Are you in a position to support Movimiento Manglar? We are very grateful for your much needed support!
You can make a donation through Paypal by clicking on the "Donate" button below.
You can also become a "Amig@ de Manglar" by supporting us monthly through Paypal
With only 10 USD per month you can pay for the Music lesson program of 1 child.
(NOTE: just check the amount for 1 child or more, and select the "monthly" box).
As Amig@, we'll keep you updated on our projects regularly and share special perks!
We recorded "Costa" in the town of El Carmen de Viboral, August 2020, when there was still a partial lockdown, making it not easy to get everyone together
We crowdfunded to set up our own Foundation, a place where we can play and teach music in the future...
Latest Developments & Media
Movimiento Manglar was involved in a beautiful creative project this April which resulted in the recodring of an original song and profesional video! This song and video was a result of a two-month-long project involving the children and youth of Bello Oriente in Medellín, supported by several...November 18, 2022 · masterclass,musicA Guest Blog by Maite Hes Saturday morning, 7:20am, quiet streets, the bright little square around the church was already getting lively for the service. After an early breakfast in the morning light on my small balcony, I walk to the quiet subway. On the way to "Acevedo" station, half an hour...March 28, 2022Last weekend we experienced the premiere of "El Viaje de Tomasa" - an original play or 'musical' (for lack of a better word..) that we composed together as a group over an almost 2-year period of the pandemic, during which we still played together in (virtual) clasess, ensembles and home-sessions...
About Us
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(c) 2023
Foundation Movimiento Manglar
contact us: info@
© 2023